
General practitioner primary care

We offer comprehensive general practitioner care with examination and treatment of all acute and chronic illnesses that arise in general practitioner care.

It goes without saying that we treat patients of all health insurance companies and all age groups.

Home visits

We carry out medically necessary home visits both by our medical staff and by our specially trained medical assistants (VERAH®/NäPa home visits).

If home visits are required on the same day, please notify the practice by 10am at the latest.

Please tell us your specific concern so that we can help you promptly and appropriately.

Co-supervision by a care assistant (VERAH®)

The VERAH® supports the family doctor in areas such as

  • Home visits
  • vaccination management
  • Medication management
  • wound management
  • administrative work

The aim is to be relieved by my trained specialist staff. A trained specialist from my team will also be happy to visit you at home.

You can find out more about this topic here >>

Basic psychosomatic care

Basic psychosomatic care is an integral and important part of our treatment area.

We can only examine your expressed complaints holistically by including physical, mental and social aspects equally in our treatment.

In our practice, we provide basic care for psychosomatic, mental and functional illnesses.  Of course, we will help you with advice on any further treatment or co-treatment by specialists in psychiatry and/or outpatient or inpatient psychotherapy that may be necessary.

X-ray discussion

We will be happy to discuss the results of radiological examinations that have already been carried out with you.

This includes X-ray examinations and the results of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations.
Please only bring the written findings of the examination with you to the appointment.

If you have received a CD with the examination results, please keep this carefully with your documents. This may be important for comparison with possible follow-up examinations.

Wound treatment

We treat small acute and chronic wounds in our practice. We also carry out post-operative wound checks, including the removal of suture material.

If necessary, we work closely with an external wound management company.

GP-centered care

GP-centered care is offered by statutory health insurance companies.

The GP acts as a central point of contact for the individual patient by collecting all information and coordinating and arranging further treatment, for example by referring patients to other specialists and maintaining close contact with other doctors providing treatment.

The aim is to create a comprehensive and long-term overview of the patient's medical history, which leads to better basic care in the long term.

If you would like to take part in GP-centered care, please contact us. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Advice on living wills / power of attorney

We want you to be able to make all decisions concerning your health and treatment as independently as possible at any time in your life.

This should also apply to situations in which you are no longer able to make your own decisions, e.g. due to a sudden serious illness or at the end of your life.
That is why we would like to talk to you about living wills, health care proxies and legal guardianship matters and advise you on these issues.
In a living will, you record in writing in advance which treatments and therapies should be carried out or not carried out in the event of your own incapacity to make decisions.

The expressed wishes are then binding for everyone. However, the living will must be in writing and signed by you.

We can help you to put your individual wishes into words in the event of a serious illness and have draft living wills with a care directive and health care proxy ready for you.

We will be happy to advise you together with your family or your chosen carrs on the medical aspects of a living will. At your request, your advance directive can be deposited at our GP practice.

The costs for the consultation, the written documents and the doctor's signature are not covered by your health insurance.

Palliative medical care

Palliative care serves to implement outpatient palliative medical care for terminally ill patients in the home environment.

The aim is to provide comprehensive outpatient medical care for terminally ill patients in the last phase of their lives in a home environment, to optimize their quality of life, taking into account the stage of their illness, and to enable them to die with dignity at home whenever this is possible and desired.

The home environment also includes care in nursing homes and care facilities. The patient is free to decide whether to participate in this care. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Emergency care

In the event of sudden acute medical incidents, it is important to act immediately to avoid losing valuable time.

Emergencies within the practice are always an exception and can therefore lead to unforeseeable delays. We apologize for this.

If you suspect a medical emergency situation at home or on the road, always dial: 112

This will enable you to reach the relevant integrated rescue coordination center immediately.

Remain calm and describe the situation briefly and concisely to the control center employee using the famous 5 W questions:

WHERE has something happened?
WHAT has happened?
HOW MANY people are affected?
WHAT type of damage, injury, illness is there?
WHO is reporting? WAIT for questions! ... Do not end the conversation without being asked!

Travel medical advice

Are you planning a vacation trip and want to protect yourself against possible (tropical) diseases?

We are happy to offer you a travel medicine consultation in our practice so that you can enjoy your vacation worry-free.

Please make an appointment in good time before your vacation so that we can inform you about possible risks in your destination country and carry out any necessary vaccinations in good time.

The costs of travel medical advice are not covered by health insurance.

Rehabilitation and cure applications

Do you need medical rehabilitation or a medical cure after an illness?

We will be happy to advise you on the possibilities of taking advantage of these measures and will submit an application together with you.

Our services also include advice and applications for mother and child cures and rehabilitation sports.